Elias Girls Rock Too
The fabulous Girls Rock Too kit by Missy, you can get it from HERE
3 Tubes of your choice, i used the gorgeous work of Elias Chatzoudis, you can purchase hes tubes from MyPspTubes HERE
Triple Frame and Mask - if these are yours please let me know so i can give you credit or remove them from my supplies.
Supplies HERE
Lets go.
Open the triple frame in psp, duplicate it by pressing SHIFT and D on your keyboard. Close the original. resize by about 45/40%, then go to IMAGE- CANVAS SIZE - 700X700.
click on your magic wand tool and click inside the 3 frames, and go SELECTIONS - MODIFY - EXPAND BY 5 PIXELS.
click on your magic wand tool and click inside the 3 frames, and go SELECTIONS - MODIFY - EXPAND BY 5 PIXELS.
Choose a paper from the kit, i used paper number 4, copy and paste onto the canvas with the frames, SELECTIONS INVERT - Then press delete on your keyboard and move the paper layer below your frame layer.
Selections - select none.
Activate your frame layer again and click inside ONE of the frames, selections - modify - expand by 5 pixels and copy and paste one of your tubes onto the canvas, position how you think looks best.
Selections - invert then hit delete on your keyboard
Repeat this step for the other 2 frames using different tubes.
Make sure the tube layers are above your paper layer.
Add a drop shadow of your choice to your tubes and frame, i used
Add a drop shadow of your choice to your tubes and frame, i used
V & H 1 Opacity 50 Blur 8 and color Black
Open knotted ribbon3 from Missy's kit, resize by 85% and copy and paste onto your canvas, and position at the top of the frame, see my tag for reference. add the same drop shadow we used earlier, then go to LAYERS - DUPLICATE then IMAGE - FLIP.
Open the crisscross1 ribbon thingy lol from the kit and resize by 20% and then copy and paste it over to your canvas and position, where the first and second frame meet, and then paste it again where the 2nd and 3rd frame meet, see my tag for reference. add the same dropshadow we used earlier.
Open the Girls rock too word art from the kit, resize by 90% and paste it over onto your canvas, and positon at the bottom of the frames, again add a drop shadow.
Open the eyelet ribbon from the kit, resize by 40%, paste on to your canvas and place in the left hand corner of the frame, go to IMAGE - ROTATE - FREE ROTATE 30degree's to the left. Then go to Layer - duplicate, then image - mirror.
Open one of the glitter doodles from the kit, and paste onto your canvas, go to LAYERS - ARRANGE - MOVE TO BOTTOM.
Once you are happy with the tag so far, hide any white layers u have and merge visable.
Open Paper 1 from the kit, paste onto your canvas and apply your mask, then go LAYERS - MERGE GROUP.
You may have to resize the mask layer to fit nicely, i then duplicated it,then flipped it and moved it over to the other side of the original mask layer.
Pick a font you like and a color to match the tag, i used black. Type out the name of the artist, i used Elias Chatzoudis tubes, so i typed out Elias,then moved it over the Girls Rock Too word art and rotated it a little bit - see my tag for reference. Add a drop shadow.
Again hide out any white layers, if you have any. and go to LAYERS - MERGE VISABLE. Crop off any excess canvas, add your copyrights and your name and then save.
WOOP WOOP we are all done. i hope you enjoyed this tutorial, i would love to see your results so please feel free to send them to me HERE
~ ♥ ~
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